Monday 3 October 2016



It was September 30, 2016 when the college I am pursuing my Bachelor's degree in, took students from our department for an industrial visit to Reliance Jio, Ghansoli. It happens on rare occasions when industrial visits are a learning experience for students but this day is one that every student of Electronics and Telecommunication department of TCET(Thakur College of Engineering and technology) will cherish for a lifetime. As a student I was fascinated by the technology that Reliance Jio has come up with. An investment of 1lakh crore(1000000000000) rupees is not a frivolous investment. A layman in India cannot imagine the extent of planning required to build certainty for such a great investment. Reliance's investment in  Jio is a great example of how certainty for a mammoth investment can be created when a revolutionary technology is in hands!

Voice services on Jio using LTE technology in India is a revolutionary change in Indian telecommunication sector. One of its kind in India, Reliance Jio has now successfully filled masses with craving to get a Jio sim card! There is a  mind blowing scheme that Reliance Jio has sent across the country which has established them successfully in Indian market but the reason for Jio's success is not just the big steps that Reliance took, but also the small doses of optimism that the company fills its employees with.

It was afternoon and after visiting a monitoring center of Reliance Jio's network, I went to men's room to freshen up. On the mirror by a wash basin was written a small message- "YOU ARE LOOKING AT AN INNOVATOR". Just a glance on that message gave me shrill of energy down my spine. It felt like my soul read out the message to me. I asked an employee at Jio about the message and he mentioned that everyone who looks into that mirror loves it every time. It is a small yet a very effective way to improve the self confidence of employees.

A normal man speaks to himself almost all the time in a day. Surely when one looks at himself in a mirror, voices in his head will comment something about the person in the mirror. These comments often turn into an inner conversation. This conversation of a person with himself is not always positive and uplifting. It is what we say to ourselves that matter the most. A person is compelled to have an optimistic discussion with himself when he reads the message on the mirror. These optimistic discussions can give miraculous results in a workplace.

Another incidence that happened on October 3, 2016 was in another industrial visit organised by the EXTC department of TCET to ABB India, Mumbai. After understanding the dynamics of the manufacturing unit of ABB the students were guided to a section where certain PCBs were mounted manually with components arranged with multiple alignments. The table where the work was being done looked like a regular table with screws on the surface to attach the top with the legs of the table. On the first look at the table non of the engineering student found anything special about the table. No human eye could have ever found the special feature of those tables. Of course the table did no fly! But yes the screws were fixed not only for its regular use, but for grounding purpose. The screw was connected to copper plate beneath the surface of the table, which was further attached to a resistor and then grounded.

Well, you might be thinking whats the big deal about it. I am not astonished by the idea of grounding an electronic workshop table, but by the fact that what appears to be insignificant on the first look might be serving a purpose that we cannot imagine. It looked like a little regular screw, but it was placed there with a plan and purpose. Everything in life is placed with a plan that is surely known to an intelligence greater than ours. Appearance does not reveal the complete reality. An understanding with an introspection of the smallest things around us can reveal truths that would otherwise pass unnoticed.

The third incidence that I will be describing happened on one of the few hundreds of special astrological day that  the Hindu calendar has. I don't remember the day or the date, but yes I do remember the remarkable observation. Observation of a little corner by the elevator in the building I have my apartment in. This always was probably the filthiest corners one could imagine. With sprays of 'Paan' on the wall and garbage contributed by every residence once in their lifetime, no one ever took an effort to even think of that portion of the building. On this special day, I was taken aback to have seen that corner not just cleaned, but it also had a mind blowing piece if 'Rangoli'. Beauty inundated the corner and no one could resist to praise the rangoli! That rangoli stayed there for weeks before it was naturally rubbed off by gradual winds. No one ever tried to mess up the corner until the rangoli was there, but the very next day that the rangoli was rubbed off, I saw sprays of Paan and some wrappers littered around the corner. Soon after that day one couldn't imagine to have ever seen a beautiful rangoli in the corner.

The point that goes unnoticed here is that it is a natural tendency of  human mind to spoil the vacant, or empty area. It is basic nature of our minds to be careless of the poor condition of what we consider unimportant. We would hardly destroy what pleases us! It was just what happened with the corner. When the corner was empty, it was littered by everyone but as soon as the corner had something beautiful, everyone would make sure that the corner is untouched. It is exactly what happens with our minds. An empty mind is a devil's workshop! If we do not feed our minds with beautiful, pleasant, useful things we will soon find it to be like the dirty corner of the building. And yes with time, whats good in our minds also rubs off like the Rangoli, so it is important that we keep making new rangolis regularly.

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