Saturday 23 April 2016


I woke up the other morning and the first thing I heard was my mother asking me to go and have a glass of water. Although she does that every morning as soon I wake up but this time, I do not know how, it struck the cords of curiosity in me. She says it's a healthy habit and I never had any doubts on that, but this day I wanted to KNOW MORE about it. I wanted to know as much as possible about an element as simple as water.
Often we tend to accept things as they are, without understanding or appreciating the beauty of science that lies in its depth ! And along with this acceptance comes ignorance of the many aspects that otherwise could be phenomenal.
Let's understand this with a simple reference. For example, not every time  you  go to McDonald's you think about the mannequin mascot of McDonald's which is found in outside every McDonald's in this world. You definitely do not think about it as symbolic representation of the greatness of the founders' dream and vision. It actually is the representation of the dream to spread happiness across the world. But at least once in a lifetime people do think and talk about it.
On the similar grounds of thinking, let me put down everything that everyone of us is surely knows about water. (Basically the next couple of paragraphs will be enjoyed by a school kid who loves to read his science text books)

Water, one of the basic elements on this planet. Almost all known cultures across the world have valued water. All the large civilizations were based along the river banks or any other large water body. Indus valley, Mesopotamian, Egyptian civilizations and many more civilizations were all based along the largest rivers on this planet. Water is the most fundamental requirement of all activities of human life. For that matter, humans are composed of more than 70% of water. In fact, our mother earth has 70% of its mass in the form of water. Not only agriculture or domestic purposes but also industrial work have high reliability on water. Nature itself uses water for its multifarious actions. Climatic changes, gas renewal, temperature stability etc. are a few natural processes that have water as its fundamental element.
Now comes a time when I wanted to know some rarely known facts and believes about water.
BIG QUESTION. Ever heard about water therapy?
Properties of water has always surprised mankind. Undoubtedly nothing in this world can be completely understood, water on the similar grounds has its vastness and depths that humans have not explored.

Scientists have said that water is the reason for life on our planet. Oceans support way more biodiversity than land or air. In fact, water is also a requirement for species on land. NASA is searching for water on various planets because, water is the only symbol of life in this universe. Scientifically known as H2O, water is composed of two elements namely hydrogen and oxygen, contradicting water's nature, both support fire.
I came across this interesting term known as water therapy and I was quite surprised with it. The first thing that strikes a common man when he is told about water therapy is drinking water early morning on an empty stomach(just what my mother asks me to do). Without denying the fact that this habit is extremely useful in eliminating toxins from stomach and intestine, this post will elaborately explain an alternative meaning of water therapy that the modern world is kept aloof from.
Water in its original liquid state can be boiled into vapours and be frozen into ice. Where vapours are inhaled for treating cold and cough, frozen ice is used for fomentation on swellings. These physical properties of water treat a few health challenges. Furthermore, water has its own chemical properties of being neutral on the pH scale which helps to maintain the pH of our bodies. Fruits and vegetables have high content of water which when consumed acts as the best intake of food that humans have ever had. Eating well means in-taking right amount of water from right sources.
MEANWHILE, Have you ever wondered why bath water, when emptied, flows through the plug hole in this spiraling vortex fashion?
Well what I have learnt is that water follows the path of least resistance, hence it moves in curves instead in linear fashion.
         What does a vortex have to do with water therapy?? 
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in one of his interesting videos mentioned, Imploded water technology introduced by the British researchers. He says water implosion also occurs in waterfalls, hence plants supplied with water from waterfalls have a better growth rate. This imploded water helps plants grow faster and healthier. There is a change molecular structure of water which helps plants. Water feels silky after falling down a waterfall(this change in the texture of water is very subtle and can me accounted to many factors). growth rate of plants were observed to be 22% higher after using the imploded water. Reduction of water use by 47% can be achieved if imploded water is used. Water is imploded using the principle of vortex. In fact, using imploded water is surely therapeutic for plants. 

In India water is treated with respect, for that matter all the religions and cultures across the world have always acknowledged the significance of water. In many parts of India  water is held in a brass or copper vessel or a clay pot before it is consumed. At many homes in India water is also worshiped before consumption.
Pipe water has certain level of molecular turbulence hence it is not completely fit for us to consume. Clay pot water adds certain minerals which again benefits our health, not forgetting the perfect cooling that it provides to the water. Researchers stored water containing bacteria such as E.coli in a brass vessel, within 48 hours of doing so, the level of E.coli dropped.
. If you have been told by your elders that brass water makes a baby's complexion fairer (Belief of some Indians for a long time), go ahead and question them.

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev delivered a speech on “Water has memory” in IIT Madras which highlights some ways in which water can be used to treat human illness. Water, he mentioned has memory, that is, it stores information in the form of universal energy and life force. When i think of this, I see a great deal of its possibility because or brain constitutes majorly of water. Water remembers a particular thought and emotion. 

Dr. Masaru Emoto did a research on water molecule crystals and their structures. The parameters he varied were location of source of water and emotions associated with water. Molecular level photographs of water crystals taken gave extremely baffling results. He says "Water has memory and carries with our thought and prayers. As you yourself are water, no matter where you are, your prayers will be carried to the rest of the world."
What he says is indeed interesting and I think we definitely need many more positive results so that this idea about water becomes universal. But the interesting thing is that an Indian spiritual guru and a Japanese scientist are definitely having a common set of believes without belonging to same culture or education.
The pictures given below shows the results that Dr. Emoto from the experiment he performed.

There are many  water borne diseases that affect the body in adverse ways. Similarly water can also be used for healing. When precise emotions are associated with water and that water is consumed by the patient, it can deliver immediate results. Ancient Vedic practices used certain methodical ways at the level of mind to change properties of water treat people with ill health.If we associate a certain emotion of healing and gratitude to a glass of water then we can use it to heal patients.
The heritage that Indians have passed on is extremely rich and unfathomable to be completely understood. According to Hindu practices one shouldn’t consume water from a house where there has been a death because there are energies of sorrow and grief. These emotions when associated to drinking water can be harmful to the person who consumes it. For years this practice had been put under the category of blind faith by modern generation. But now that we know the reason behind this practice, we could accept and respect this practice.
If a doctor (could be any person who wishes to help a patient) holds a glass of water and associates emotions of healing to it and the patient with a particular illness consumes it, there will be improvement in his heath. The logic behind this changing shape and energy of water crystals cannot be completely explained. But there is an interference of energy field with water that definitely takes place. Human heart radiates certain electromagnetic radiations when the person feels different emotions. The radiation pattern varies according to the emotion experienced. And these radiations in turn changes water’s molecular and physical properties. This can lead us towards all together a different study on the grounds of quantum physics.
Water from worship places of any religious belief are considered sacred because they have positive emotions of hope, love, joy, harmony, and faith. Hindus worship water from Ganges because it is considered sacred for centuries now. It is believed by Hindus that river Ganga arises from the peak of lord Shiva’s head. They say that bathing in Ganga washes ones illness and sins.The basic emotion associated due to the story of Lord Shiva, with the water from Ganges is that of power, positivity, purity, forgiveness and faith. According to what Dr. Masaru Emoto said this water with these set of positive thoughts and prayers can surely help people. So, if you hear people getting miraculous results because of Ganga water then it may be true. Now I have a little understanding of the reason for such miracles.  
Earlier the river Ganga was completely fresh and pure, geographically originating from Gangotri glacier in the Himalayas, but now in the name of worship and believes the water has been abused and polluted. Therefore, this water has started giving many negative impacts as well.
Power of belief can shake mountains and the prior most important thing for any healing to occur is belief. It’s extremely important for both the patient and the doctor to believe in this process to the extent of conviction. Healing will come to those who believe that they will be healed.
These believes and claims by various people about the magnificence of water has been facing criticism and I am sure it will continue to face disbelieves by many, but many others have believed and have experienced the miracle. Its truly your personal call, I have not doubted anything here but yes I have questioned this topic to find reasons about how this therapy, which makes me say "WHAT A THERAPY ! " ,works.

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