Wednesday 13 April 2016



Have you ever thought about things which you know will never have a perfectly correct and complete answer?

Have you ever questioned yourself about things which maybe assumed by most people but they themselves are clueless about the logic or reason behind it?

Do you have ideas that you are hesitant to share with people because you doubt its credibility by others?

Was there a time in your life when you lost all the reasons to reason what you study and accept?

Do you believe in miracles (obviously the definition of miracle will have a range of correct and incomplete answers for everyone!)?

Has your mind ever dived into the past that you never belonged to (may be an era of the emperor you studied or read about in school)?

Do you love to learn why people do what they do? How do they do that? And why are you not able to do that?

I have heard Tony Robbins say this in many of his seminars that quality questions create a quality life, so I prefer asking you and to myself questions that can mutually create a great life for both of us.

I really wish I could write down the infinite questions that strike my mind everyday!

But for now, let me say that if your answer for any of these questions is yes, then my blog will serve your thirst of answers to satisfaction.I am excited to start a journey of exploration with you where reasons and logic will be the savior of your sanity and dilemma and delusions the villains of your stable mind.

There will be facts, surprising facts and incredible facts in the upcoming posts which will naturally raise question in ones mind! I guess there is a thin boundary between questions and doubts. I prefer questioning rather than doubting, that keeps on the track of learning and knowing more.

I have my personal opinions about various believes that every individual has the right to have. I would let you have your own opinions after I state the facts and logical answers that I settle down to, after asking specific questions in the upcoming post.

On this note, let's sail on this voyage of infinite questions that will never end in our entire lives.