Saturday 19 November 2016



The most important question that I forgot to answer before starting my blog would be -Why in the world would you choose the name  ''  ?? "

Everyone would have heard a story where the two people were shown a glass which was half filled and half empty.Something like this:

The big question was asked to them- 'Is this glass half empty or half filled?'
The optimistic person says it is half filled and the pessimistic person says its half empty. This was a simple test of two types of people. I would answer that it is fully filled! Half with water and the other half with air. Considering that water and air both are scientifically fluids, the right answer is that it is always fully filled. This could be a different approach to the popular question that tests optimism. 

This answer could create a rather negative opinion in some people, that calling it fully filled is being unrealistically optimistic! On a lighter note, I could guess the answer to the big question for such people- half empty! 

Anthony Robbins says - 'Look at things the way they are. Not worse than they are nor way better than they are.' Well, I believe I am doing just as he says. Looking at the glass just the way it is- FULLY FILLED! 

Lets have some fun!Here is an elementary question: What if, water is the desired fluid in the glass and air is the undesirable one and you are suppose to remove air from the glass completely. How would you do it? 

On asking a few smarties, I was ask to take the glass in an isolated environment-vacuum. They further added that there will be no air. I had to disappoint them by saying that even water would vaporize in vacuum. So that is a bad choice. A man with a simple mind suggested that fill the glass with water. BINGO!

Simply fully filling the glass with water will eliminate air completely! Tie to get philosophical. I would now say, the glass is your mind, water is the positive thought and air is the negative thought

We struggle getting rid of negative thoughts like doubts, discouragement, jealousy, anger, fear etc. Any number of attempt to eliminate these thoughts will fail unless we add more water i.e. positive thoughts. Keep your mind brimming with positive thoughts and emotions and you shall never struggle to eliminate negative thoughts. Just pore in some water!

Negative thoughts are like air, they will fill every place that is empty! Just like the empty glass. This was my point in the last paragraph of an earlier post named 'Small Things That Are Significant'. An empty mind is devil's workshop!

It is important to fill your glasses! Fill your glass regularly because evaporation takes place even if the air comes in contact with water. I guess the name : '' is now justified. 

Cheers to fully filled glass! 

Sunday 13 November 2016



It was Diwali time but a  regular Friday evening which was not eventful for me until I decided to play a small game of golf at my home. For my readers, I want them to be clear about the fact that this game was played with a cricket bat, ball and a steel glass on the other side. Initially we placed the glass about 20 feet away in the other room and my father and brother were taking turns with me to put the tennis ball in the glass in single attempts. Even though the mouth of the glass was open towards the direction from where the ball was hit, the glass would move even if the ball touched it and the ball never entered inside. So we decided that one person will hold the glass on the other side.Interestingly, with this game I learnt a lesson about communication and interpretation.

 It was my turn to hold the glass and my father was attempting his shot. He tried almost ten to fifteen times but the ball hardly reached the glass with even a chance of entering it. I wanted to understand the difference between a good and bad shot, so I observed keenly. Initially, I noticed that one shot was bleakly any different from the other. The resources, bat, ball, glass and the floor remained the same but the results were drastically different in every attempt. It was just a small change of angle of his bat that created variety of results.

Now, think of this scenario as a communication between two people. I was the receiver who was waiting for the message (ball in this scenario) from the sender(my father). The ball came to me in a different way each time my father attempted the shot. If I did not know that my father was trying to hit the ball and put it into the glass, wouldn't I still by common sense understand his intention. Similarly in case of communication the sender(amateur communicator) of the message will not send precise messages every time, but it the responsibility of the listener to listen and interpret the most appropriate message. Great communicators are people with extraordinary precision of striking the ball and people with great listening ability.  

For an effective communication, the sender of the message must be skilled, else the ball wont enter the glass every time. Practice of communication under ones own observation might not be helpful totally. Here is how I would explain it: My father hardly knew the mistake he was making while taking his shot, but I on the other side of the room knew clearly the places where he went wrong. This is how it works in case of communication as well.You will hardly find the reason for an unsuccessful pitch of your idea from your point of observation, but a receiver in the form of a listener or reader and a keen observer will surely find out the flaws.  Self observation is surely a difficult task.Haven't you noticed unhygienic things people do unintentionally? Sometimes we clearly see what are the wrong things other people do while communicating but we remain completely aloof of our own little wrong and right thing that shapes our communication abilities. This is why mentors, gurus, coach and trainers play an important part in our life.

Observing the wrongs brings me to an interesting observation I made. It was afternoon and a regular college day. 'Image and Video Processing' was the subject being taught, and the topic was 'Image Negative'.Here is what I learnt: Image negative basically means converting the black part of the black&white image into white and vice-versa. Here is the picture of an image negative processing for better clarity:

Negative image gives us a more clear understanding of the original image. It is easy to locate a black spot in a white background but it is difficult to locate a white spot in a black background. Our eyes and brain work in this fashion. Negative transformation of an image gives us way more information about the original image than the original image itself does. 

Here is a cliched line :  We observe flaws in a good person very easily but hardly we see good qualities in a person we consider bad. This is one philosophical conclusion that one can draw from the case of image negative transformation stated above. I would take it to another level now. What if our mind puts every entity outside us through this transformation and hence locates the flaws in other people's communication easily but fails to put ones owns performance through the appropriate transformation required. What if that is the exact thing my mind did by observing my father's golf shots. I put the image of his golf performance through a negative transformation. Hence I learnt about way more details. On the other hand, my father couldn't figure out his mistakes because the negative image was never created for him.

Ultimately I conclude that finding out flaws is easier for an external observer. This was well understood by saint Kabir who stated : " Nindak niyare rakhiye aangan kuti chhawaye; Bin sabun pani bina nirmal karat subhaye".  He basically advises the reader to stay in companionship of people who point out your flaws, because in their company you will always get a detailed understanding of your own performance and hence improve yourself. 

This post could be a confusing one, so I hope that I shot the hole in one for my readers. 

Monday 3 October 2016



It was September 30, 2016 when the college I am pursuing my Bachelor's degree in, took students from our department for an industrial visit to Reliance Jio, Ghansoli. It happens on rare occasions when industrial visits are a learning experience for students but this day is one that every student of Electronics and Telecommunication department of TCET(Thakur College of Engineering and technology) will cherish for a lifetime. As a student I was fascinated by the technology that Reliance Jio has come up with. An investment of 1lakh crore(1000000000000) rupees is not a frivolous investment. A layman in India cannot imagine the extent of planning required to build certainty for such a great investment. Reliance's investment in  Jio is a great example of how certainty for a mammoth investment can be created when a revolutionary technology is in hands!

Voice services on Jio using LTE technology in India is a revolutionary change in Indian telecommunication sector. One of its kind in India, Reliance Jio has now successfully filled masses with craving to get a Jio sim card! There is a  mind blowing scheme that Reliance Jio has sent across the country which has established them successfully in Indian market but the reason for Jio's success is not just the big steps that Reliance took, but also the small doses of optimism that the company fills its employees with.

It was afternoon and after visiting a monitoring center of Reliance Jio's network, I went to men's room to freshen up. On the mirror by a wash basin was written a small message- "YOU ARE LOOKING AT AN INNOVATOR". Just a glance on that message gave me shrill of energy down my spine. It felt like my soul read out the message to me. I asked an employee at Jio about the message and he mentioned that everyone who looks into that mirror loves it every time. It is a small yet a very effective way to improve the self confidence of employees.

A normal man speaks to himself almost all the time in a day. Surely when one looks at himself in a mirror, voices in his head will comment something about the person in the mirror. These comments often turn into an inner conversation. This conversation of a person with himself is not always positive and uplifting. It is what we say to ourselves that matter the most. A person is compelled to have an optimistic discussion with himself when he reads the message on the mirror. These optimistic discussions can give miraculous results in a workplace.

Another incidence that happened on October 3, 2016 was in another industrial visit organised by the EXTC department of TCET to ABB India, Mumbai. After understanding the dynamics of the manufacturing unit of ABB the students were guided to a section where certain PCBs were mounted manually with components arranged with multiple alignments. The table where the work was being done looked like a regular table with screws on the surface to attach the top with the legs of the table. On the first look at the table non of the engineering student found anything special about the table. No human eye could have ever found the special feature of those tables. Of course the table did no fly! But yes the screws were fixed not only for its regular use, but for grounding purpose. The screw was connected to copper plate beneath the surface of the table, which was further attached to a resistor and then grounded.

Well, you might be thinking whats the big deal about it. I am not astonished by the idea of grounding an electronic workshop table, but by the fact that what appears to be insignificant on the first look might be serving a purpose that we cannot imagine. It looked like a little regular screw, but it was placed there with a plan and purpose. Everything in life is placed with a plan that is surely known to an intelligence greater than ours. Appearance does not reveal the complete reality. An understanding with an introspection of the smallest things around us can reveal truths that would otherwise pass unnoticed.

The third incidence that I will be describing happened on one of the few hundreds of special astrological day that  the Hindu calendar has. I don't remember the day or the date, but yes I do remember the remarkable observation. Observation of a little corner by the elevator in the building I have my apartment in. This always was probably the filthiest corners one could imagine. With sprays of 'Paan' on the wall and garbage contributed by every residence once in their lifetime, no one ever took an effort to even think of that portion of the building. On this special day, I was taken aback to have seen that corner not just cleaned, but it also had a mind blowing piece if 'Rangoli'. Beauty inundated the corner and no one could resist to praise the rangoli! That rangoli stayed there for weeks before it was naturally rubbed off by gradual winds. No one ever tried to mess up the corner until the rangoli was there, but the very next day that the rangoli was rubbed off, I saw sprays of Paan and some wrappers littered around the corner. Soon after that day one couldn't imagine to have ever seen a beautiful rangoli in the corner.

The point that goes unnoticed here is that it is a natural tendency of  human mind to spoil the vacant, or empty area. It is basic nature of our minds to be careless of the poor condition of what we consider unimportant. We would hardly destroy what pleases us! It was just what happened with the corner. When the corner was empty, it was littered by everyone but as soon as the corner had something beautiful, everyone would make sure that the corner is untouched. It is exactly what happens with our minds. An empty mind is a devil's workshop! If we do not feed our minds with beautiful, pleasant, useful things we will soon find it to be like the dirty corner of the building. And yes with time, whats good in our minds also rubs off like the Rangoli, so it is important that we keep making new rangolis regularly.

Tuesday 5 July 2016



Everybody would have heard of stories where a child, when goes to to bed sees the shadow of a witch's hand with her crooked fingers and long nails on the ceiling or the wall in their room, only to later conspire that it was just a branch of an old tree in front of a street lamp!

This post is somewhat about a similar dilemma which scares science only because truth has yet to be revealed!

                                                       Say Hello to Dr. Quantum!

It was 9th grade when I saw an animated video on 'YouTube' named 'Dr Quantum- Double slit Experiment' and honestly I understood very little of what was going on. Although the central idea of the double slit experiment was unclear to me I manged to grasp the message that was given at the end of the video.

Here's what the video showed- An animated excited old scientist who begins with introducing the double slit experiment as the 'grand daddy of all the quantum weirdness', which honestly is quite justified and will be agreed upon by anyone once he watches the video. He then describes an elementary idea of  shooting marbles on a screen which pass through a single slit forming an identical pattern. On adding another slit, two patterns were observed, each corresponding to a single slit. Doing the same with the marble replaced by a ripple we observe a single pattern on the screen for a single slit. Now, interestingly, the ripple when passed through two slits instead of one gives an interference pattern on the screen. One can visualize as a high intensity spot on screen if there were two tops meeting and a zero intensity pattern where the crest and the trough cancel each other. On this note the videos takes things to another level, when he shoots a beam of electron on the double slit. Expecting that the electrons behave like the marbles, we are taken aback, because that was not to happen. We observe an interference pattern! Just in order to make sure that the electrons did not collide while passing through the slits, electrons were shot one at a time. Even this did not make any difference. We still end up getting an interference pattern.

If you think you are baffled, let me take you to another level of what one could call impossibility. On setting up a measuring device that observes the behavior of the electron while it passes through the slit, just to add more complications in our understanding, electron behaves like a particle. YES! Just because of an observer the electron behaved in a different way.

The question that arises here is- How can something as tiny as an electron defy what we call human logic? In fact the approach to understand an electron as a particle is shattered initially not only that,but also believing that what we observe is surely the truth is to a lot of extent false. So everything that we observe and understand around us as a non-introspecting observer might not be the complete reality. When I say a non-introspecting observer, I am referring to the observer who observes the outcome of  the electron behaving as a wave, whereas an introspecting observer was the measuring device that was installed latter.

So, either introspection into an event changes the outcome to a false reality or maybe it reveals the truth. I can not comment on the reality of the nature of electron but I can surely suggest something else. Outcome of an experiment is determined by the conditions it is performed in, which also includes a condition which we have been taking for granted for many years. The condition of either being under observation or not being under observation. I definitely did not mean that if u turn around, the objects behind you will start to float or dance in the air. I am sure that is quite eerie, but that is what I questioned my self about!

For anything to behave in a particular format it must have the information about how to behave in a particular situation(conditions of experiment including under observation or free from observation). This is a very premature statement, which I could explain if given an opportunity to do so.

Lets consider human body or any other living organism of significant size. It require food for its survival because, roughly speaking, food is the supplement of the major solid entity that it is composed of. Now, consider a fruit that we(human body) consume, the particles of different nutrients which once belonged to the fruit now becomes a part of our system. This is because our body creates certain environment  for the nutrients to react in a certain way. There is information that the particles have in them which commands them, that if a human body fluids react with nutrients of  a fruit, they behave in a certain predetermined fashion. On an easier tone, if an orange is consumed by a human , it becomes  the human to a great extent. If an orange is consumed by a monkey or a cow, it becomes a monkey or a cow. The laws governing such events is what I am referring to as information. Of course these are chemical reactions but the reason behind the reaction is what I am concerned about.

Now, before the inception of life on this planet, nature had its own laws in which atoms behaved in a certain way to form molecules and molecules to form compounds further those compounds became complex and started showing significant behavior at an extremely complex level-animals, plants etc. Reaction and events occurred due to either physical interaction of matter-collision, touch, push,pull, drop etc or exchange of energies- heat transfer, fission fusion etc. This was the case for simpler level of matter such as a table and chair(experiencing Newtonian forces), chemicals and basic compounds(experiencing thermodynamics )etc. But for a higher level of existing entities such as humans, more complex ways of reactions and behavior is observed. Behavior of one human with respect to the other or behavior of one human with respect to an object can both be different. That means different humans show different behavior for the same subject. This is due to the information of what a particular human being carries about a particular subject. If behavior of Humans can vary by touching a certain object or even by looking at it, why cant we expect a change in the behavior of an object on a touch or observation. An act of observations can bring about changes in the behavior of a human, so it can also bring about a change in objects, tiny particles, molecules, atoms, and for that matter an ELECTRON.

One other way to understand the dilemma set forth by the double slit experiment could be by defining consciousness. If nature were to give objectified results only if a conscious observer is observing, then may be we can justify to our minds the occurrence of this mind baffling phenomenon. Lets just assume that nature by its self exists as waves and possibilities. As humans we observe objectified version of what we are able to observe. That means out of the many possibilities of a thing(stone, table,chair etc) to appear a certain way, we see the most prominent or the most highly probable objectified form of the same. When I say this I mean that the object you are looking at has multiple possibilities of having a shape and the shape that has highest stability of existence and highest possibility of presence is what we observe.

At the outer level of  consciousness, that is as humans we observe that shooting single electron also produces the interference pattern on the screen, that means we are witnessing all the possible places where the electron could have struck. As I mentioned earlier that  nature by its self exists as waves and possibilities, it does not objectify unless it is under observation of a consciousness. Since initially electron was not under observation, we found out all the possibilities of where it can strike. But just because we have an observer, nature objectifies its results to show the region of highest possibility of existence.

Speaking of the levels of observation, we with our human senses are an upper level observer or the macro level observer. So all the things we see around us are objectified. things that are of perceivable size. Balls, buildings, coins, needle, planets, mountains, insects etc, that we can see with our naked eyes are objectified to us. Where as, air molecules which we can not see with naked eyes have their existence at multiple possible places for us. Even molecules unless we observe it with microscope exists only as a possibility, but what those millions of molecules make together is of significant size and hence becomes objectified.

If this were the case then we can also say that behavior of matter, as we know it, can also change if we design an observer to observe the exact movement of an electron in all the atoms present. This will result into perfect characterization of atom and all the anomalous characteristics of the atom will settle down to the the most stable form, only because it will be under conscious observation.Science could be objectified is observations were made at the right levels of introspection.  Well this is just an idea or a possibility of how things can turn out in the coming future.

If there was a giant observer(a being), way bigger than our solar system, way bigger than everything in our galaxy it could have seen the presence of all us at multiple places. For that observer, things of the magnitude of our size will have random movement in space until it sets an introspecting conscious observer to observe us. Once he does that, the results of his experiment(broadly speaking so) will be objectified. My point over here is that the size of existence doesn't matter, its the ratio of the size of the object under observation and the extent to which we observe it,  would determine the nature of what is been observed. If we observe the behavior of our subject generally like our eyes observe the results of an electron, we would find it to behave like a wave of and show us all the possible outcomes but a deeper look would make the results more specific.

I really wish to know the results when we use two layers of slits one with an introspecting measuring device and one without it placed one after the other. Also, studying the double slit experiment taking into account different frame of references could open doors to many other mysterious rooms of nature.

Here are a few pictures which could anchor you to all that has been discussed above:
                                    Arrangement of the electron gun, double slit and the screen:

Young's double slit experiment and the miscellaneous results that follow this experiment  have a great scope for research because very little is known to us about this subject. As time will pass we will surely know a lot more nature. I have made a small attempt to share my philosophy, which is inspired by a numerous sources along with my own perspective about the subject,to understand the results that have been OBSERVED.

Saturday 23 April 2016


I woke up the other morning and the first thing I heard was my mother asking me to go and have a glass of water. Although she does that every morning as soon I wake up but this time, I do not know how, it struck the cords of curiosity in me. She says it's a healthy habit and I never had any doubts on that, but this day I wanted to KNOW MORE about it. I wanted to know as much as possible about an element as simple as water.
Often we tend to accept things as they are, without understanding or appreciating the beauty of science that lies in its depth ! And along with this acceptance comes ignorance of the many aspects that otherwise could be phenomenal.
Let's understand this with a simple reference. For example, not every time  you  go to McDonald's you think about the mannequin mascot of McDonald's which is found in outside every McDonald's in this world. You definitely do not think about it as symbolic representation of the greatness of the founders' dream and vision. It actually is the representation of the dream to spread happiness across the world. But at least once in a lifetime people do think and talk about it.
On the similar grounds of thinking, let me put down everything that everyone of us is surely knows about water. (Basically the next couple of paragraphs will be enjoyed by a school kid who loves to read his science text books)

Water, one of the basic elements on this planet. Almost all known cultures across the world have valued water. All the large civilizations were based along the river banks or any other large water body. Indus valley, Mesopotamian, Egyptian civilizations and many more civilizations were all based along the largest rivers on this planet. Water is the most fundamental requirement of all activities of human life. For that matter, humans are composed of more than 70% of water. In fact, our mother earth has 70% of its mass in the form of water. Not only agriculture or domestic purposes but also industrial work have high reliability on water. Nature itself uses water for its multifarious actions. Climatic changes, gas renewal, temperature stability etc. are a few natural processes that have water as its fundamental element.
Now comes a time when I wanted to know some rarely known facts and believes about water.
BIG QUESTION. Ever heard about water therapy?
Properties of water has always surprised mankind. Undoubtedly nothing in this world can be completely understood, water on the similar grounds has its vastness and depths that humans have not explored.

Scientists have said that water is the reason for life on our planet. Oceans support way more biodiversity than land or air. In fact, water is also a requirement for species on land. NASA is searching for water on various planets because, water is the only symbol of life in this universe. Scientifically known as H2O, water is composed of two elements namely hydrogen and oxygen, contradicting water's nature, both support fire.
I came across this interesting term known as water therapy and I was quite surprised with it. The first thing that strikes a common man when he is told about water therapy is drinking water early morning on an empty stomach(just what my mother asks me to do). Without denying the fact that this habit is extremely useful in eliminating toxins from stomach and intestine, this post will elaborately explain an alternative meaning of water therapy that the modern world is kept aloof from.
Water in its original liquid state can be boiled into vapours and be frozen into ice. Where vapours are inhaled for treating cold and cough, frozen ice is used for fomentation on swellings. These physical properties of water treat a few health challenges. Furthermore, water has its own chemical properties of being neutral on the pH scale which helps to maintain the pH of our bodies. Fruits and vegetables have high content of water which when consumed acts as the best intake of food that humans have ever had. Eating well means in-taking right amount of water from right sources.
MEANWHILE, Have you ever wondered why bath water, when emptied, flows through the plug hole in this spiraling vortex fashion?
Well what I have learnt is that water follows the path of least resistance, hence it moves in curves instead in linear fashion.
         What does a vortex have to do with water therapy?? 
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in one of his interesting videos mentioned, Imploded water technology introduced by the British researchers. He says water implosion also occurs in waterfalls, hence plants supplied with water from waterfalls have a better growth rate. This imploded water helps plants grow faster and healthier. There is a change molecular structure of water which helps plants. Water feels silky after falling down a waterfall(this change in the texture of water is very subtle and can me accounted to many factors). growth rate of plants were observed to be 22% higher after using the imploded water. Reduction of water use by 47% can be achieved if imploded water is used. Water is imploded using the principle of vortex. In fact, using imploded water is surely therapeutic for plants. 

In India water is treated with respect, for that matter all the religions and cultures across the world have always acknowledged the significance of water. In many parts of India  water is held in a brass or copper vessel or a clay pot before it is consumed. At many homes in India water is also worshiped before consumption.
Pipe water has certain level of molecular turbulence hence it is not completely fit for us to consume. Clay pot water adds certain minerals which again benefits our health, not forgetting the perfect cooling that it provides to the water. Researchers stored water containing bacteria such as E.coli in a brass vessel, within 48 hours of doing so, the level of E.coli dropped.
. If you have been told by your elders that brass water makes a baby's complexion fairer (Belief of some Indians for a long time), go ahead and question them.

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev delivered a speech on “Water has memory” in IIT Madras which highlights some ways in which water can be used to treat human illness. Water, he mentioned has memory, that is, it stores information in the form of universal energy and life force. When i think of this, I see a great deal of its possibility because or brain constitutes majorly of water. Water remembers a particular thought and emotion. 

Dr. Masaru Emoto did a research on water molecule crystals and their structures. The parameters he varied were location of source of water and emotions associated with water. Molecular level photographs of water crystals taken gave extremely baffling results. He says "Water has memory and carries with our thought and prayers. As you yourself are water, no matter where you are, your prayers will be carried to the rest of the world."
What he says is indeed interesting and I think we definitely need many more positive results so that this idea about water becomes universal. But the interesting thing is that an Indian spiritual guru and a Japanese scientist are definitely having a common set of believes without belonging to same culture or education.
The pictures given below shows the results that Dr. Emoto from the experiment he performed.

There are many  water borne diseases that affect the body in adverse ways. Similarly water can also be used for healing. When precise emotions are associated with water and that water is consumed by the patient, it can deliver immediate results. Ancient Vedic practices used certain methodical ways at the level of mind to change properties of water treat people with ill health.If we associate a certain emotion of healing and gratitude to a glass of water then we can use it to heal patients.
The heritage that Indians have passed on is extremely rich and unfathomable to be completely understood. According to Hindu practices one shouldn’t consume water from a house where there has been a death because there are energies of sorrow and grief. These emotions when associated to drinking water can be harmful to the person who consumes it. For years this practice had been put under the category of blind faith by modern generation. But now that we know the reason behind this practice, we could accept and respect this practice.
If a doctor (could be any person who wishes to help a patient) holds a glass of water and associates emotions of healing to it and the patient with a particular illness consumes it, there will be improvement in his heath. The logic behind this changing shape and energy of water crystals cannot be completely explained. But there is an interference of energy field with water that definitely takes place. Human heart radiates certain electromagnetic radiations when the person feels different emotions. The radiation pattern varies according to the emotion experienced. And these radiations in turn changes water’s molecular and physical properties. This can lead us towards all together a different study on the grounds of quantum physics.
Water from worship places of any religious belief are considered sacred because they have positive emotions of hope, love, joy, harmony, and faith. Hindus worship water from Ganges because it is considered sacred for centuries now. It is believed by Hindus that river Ganga arises from the peak of lord Shiva’s head. They say that bathing in Ganga washes ones illness and sins.The basic emotion associated due to the story of Lord Shiva, with the water from Ganges is that of power, positivity, purity, forgiveness and faith. According to what Dr. Masaru Emoto said this water with these set of positive thoughts and prayers can surely help people. So, if you hear people getting miraculous results because of Ganga water then it may be true. Now I have a little understanding of the reason for such miracles.  
Earlier the river Ganga was completely fresh and pure, geographically originating from Gangotri glacier in the Himalayas, but now in the name of worship and believes the water has been abused and polluted. Therefore, this water has started giving many negative impacts as well.
Power of belief can shake mountains and the prior most important thing for any healing to occur is belief. It’s extremely important for both the patient and the doctor to believe in this process to the extent of conviction. Healing will come to those who believe that they will be healed.
These believes and claims by various people about the magnificence of water has been facing criticism and I am sure it will continue to face disbelieves by many, but many others have believed and have experienced the miracle. Its truly your personal call, I have not doubted anything here but yes I have questioned this topic to find reasons about how this therapy, which makes me say "WHAT A THERAPY ! " ,works.

Wednesday 13 April 2016



Have you ever thought about things which you know will never have a perfectly correct and complete answer?

Have you ever questioned yourself about things which maybe assumed by most people but they themselves are clueless about the logic or reason behind it?

Do you have ideas that you are hesitant to share with people because you doubt its credibility by others?

Was there a time in your life when you lost all the reasons to reason what you study and accept?

Do you believe in miracles (obviously the definition of miracle will have a range of correct and incomplete answers for everyone!)?

Has your mind ever dived into the past that you never belonged to (may be an era of the emperor you studied or read about in school)?

Do you love to learn why people do what they do? How do they do that? And why are you not able to do that?

I have heard Tony Robbins say this in many of his seminars that quality questions create a quality life, so I prefer asking you and to myself questions that can mutually create a great life for both of us.

I really wish I could write down the infinite questions that strike my mind everyday!

But for now, let me say that if your answer for any of these questions is yes, then my blog will serve your thirst of answers to satisfaction.I am excited to start a journey of exploration with you where reasons and logic will be the savior of your sanity and dilemma and delusions the villains of your stable mind.

There will be facts, surprising facts and incredible facts in the upcoming posts which will naturally raise question in ones mind! I guess there is a thin boundary between questions and doubts. I prefer questioning rather than doubting, that keeps on the track of learning and knowing more.

I have my personal opinions about various believes that every individual has the right to have. I would let you have your own opinions after I state the facts and logical answers that I settle down to, after asking specific questions in the upcoming post.

On this note, let's sail on this voyage of infinite questions that will never end in our entire lives.